Positivity does not mean being blind to reality, nor does it mean ignoring the facts of life, nor does it mean not understanding when things are bad. Rather positivity is understanding reality but keeping an attitude that’ll be productive for you. An attitude that’ll help keep you sane, keep you moving forward, keep you accomplishing, keep you succeeding, and keep you on level ground.
That’s what having a positive attitude is and here I’m going to lay out the best ways to stay positive even when everything around you is negative and becoming more so by the day. But before I go further there is something important that I have to share. Understand that there are powerful factors in this world that want to see you demoralized, depressed, and without hope. For various reasons from the simply economic to the more nefarious, many powerful groups want to see you broken down and beat up mentally.
And we often oblige these groups that do not have our best interests at heart. They want us consumed with negativity, nihilistic, black pilled, and all of the above and more. But again we don’t have to be that way. And not because we’re blind to reality, because we’re fools, or anything of that matter. Rather we are that way, positive, because we know it’s the best way forward and the healthiest for us.
We know that those that achieve are those that keep on even when things get hard and that there is hope in this world, if one looks for it and then cultivates it. Never underestimate the power of hope, what hope can do, and why it’s so important for some to keep others free of that hope, easily controlled and malnourished spiritually, mentally, and physically.
But there is hope.
Now onto becoming more positive.
Cut Out The Negativity
Before we address becoming more positive, we need to talk about its inverse, negativity. It’s going to be hard to be positive when you have so much negativity dragging you down. And again negativity does not mean accurate thinking nor does positive mean inaccurate thinking. Being positive means being realistic, yet determined. While negativity means giving up and searching for the comfort of quitting over trying. It takes no effort to give up. Negativity allows us to be lazy while still playing the matyr, one reason that it’s so popular for so many people.
First things first, cut out negativity from your life. Stop texting or calling people who bring you down, stop hanging out with them, and if you work with or for them then do everything you can to insulate yourself from them. Stop watching the news, trust me, if something that affects you is going on, you’ll hear about it. Most news is doom and gloom nonsense anyways. Cut it out and you’ll be better for it.
Watch yourself. Do you complain incessantly, are you always going on about how bad things are? How awful the world is? How everything is going wrong? Stop yourself. Sure things may be bad or going wrong but that’s not all there is too a situation. Look at it from another perspective. Things are usually never as bleak as they first appear. So long as you have air in your lungs and blood in your veins then you can change the situation that you’re in and because of that, so long as you’re alive, there’s hope.
Hope for change, hope for a better tomorrow, hope to become the person you want to be, hope to live the life you want to live.
Building Up Positivity
Positivity, like a muscle, needs to be built up. There are many different ways to do this. One of the most effective ones that I’ve found is to have a gratitude journal are always look for things to be happy for. Wake up in the morning and write down five things you’re grateful for. Can’t think of five things? Then write down one. Can’t think of one? Then write down the fact that you’re not bleeding out in a ditch somewhere. This trains your brain towards positivity. Its trains it to remember the good and remember that all is not lost.
The next thing is to give things a chance. So many people cut short great things because they won’t take the time to believe in themselves or set out and take a chance on something. They let their mind psyche them out and then they don’t do it. They don’t try to change jobs, ask that girl out, take a needed vacation, start a new business, or any of the hundreds of other things that we seek to do, need to do, and yet don’t.
Give things a chance, including yourself. Don’t throw away all hope the millisecond something doesn’t go completely right. Give it time, give yourself time. It’s not going to be perfect at the start, that’s fine, that’s how we all learn. We make mistakes, learn from them, and keep going. Mistakes are part of the process and essential to getting better. The most successful people are those that can tolerate the most failure.
Every Day…
Is a blessing. No, that’s not some cheesy saying. That’s a true statement. Every day is a gift and it’s up to your to maximize what you are given each and every day. We are each given time, make the best use of it, because we never know when it’s going to run out. I don’t want to say live every day like your last because one, it’s a cliche, and two, that doesn’t really make sense. But do live every day as if your ancestors are watching. As if it matters.
Because it does.
If anything I said here helped you I’d recommend checking my books out on Amazon. And as always, thanks for reading.
-Charles Sledge