How To Know If You’re Growing & Headed In The Right Direction

We all change, some for the better and some for the worse. As the years go by and we acquire experiences of fail too, things change. One thing that we need to be sure of is that we are growing and moving forward in our lives, day to day and year to year. By growth I don’t mean necessarily that we get bigger but rather that we strive to become more each and every day and that this process, compiled over years leads to change and most important of all, growth.

But how do we know this? How do we know if we’re headed in the right direction and are experiencing this most important part of life? How do we know if we’re just going from point A to point B but not really growing in the process? After all you can acquire fancy degrees and certifications, get a promotion, and all of that yet still not truly be growing in life. Though increased income is certainly a factor of growth and a important one it’s more complicated than that.

So how do we know that we’re growing and how do we know that we’re headed in the right direction? That’s what we’re going to attempt to learn today.

How To Know if You’re Growing

I don’t agree with everything that I’ve written on this site. Now at first that may sound weird. After all if I don’t agree with it, then why did I write it? Am I bipolar? Untrustworthy? Deceiving you for some nefarious end? No to all of the above. I did believe the thing when I wrote it but then upon further review or life experience might look back at it and think “I feel a little differently about that” or in some cases “I feel a lot differently about that”. You should be feeling the same way. You should look back on things you’ve done, said, or believed and while the fundamental you shouldn’t change there should be growth in these areas.

In the last five years has your opinion changed or at least stretched on anything? I hope so because if not then you have a problem. The fact of the matter is that no matter how smart, savvy, dedicated, or anything else that we are, we are still going to be wrong about things. That’s something that comes with being human and there’s nothing that can be done to avoid it. Sure we can modify how many things we’re wrong about through study and paying attention. But at the end of the day we aren’t going to be right about everything. I’m not. You’re not. And your or my teachers are not. To err is human after all.

And because of this we should be looking back and seeing if our thoughts or beliefs about anything have changed or at least been modified. I’m not saying we have to go from hardcore one way to hardcore the other. We can still hold the same basic beliefs or truths but our understanding of those beliefs and truths should grow, reach a deeper and more mature understanding of these things. See the tiny details and contours that make the difference. This is a good sort of litmus test to see if you’re growing but how do you actually go about growing?

How To Grow

I remember a leadership speaker saying one time that the only thing that’ll change between this time and this time next year is the people you met, the places you go, and the books you read. While that’s a limiting definition that’s not a bad place to start. Essentially if you wanted a “cheat sheet” for growth, though I don’t like the term, here’s what it’d be.

  • Meet new people.
  • Go new places.
  • Try new thing.
  • Read new books.
  • Learn new skills.

Do that year to year and growth will take care of itself. And all of this will come when you have goals that you are working towards each and every day, or at least somewhere close to each and every day. I know I sound like a broken record when it comes to goals but that’s just how important they are. The path to “success” in just about anything in life isn’t hidden, it’s plain for those who are searching to see. It’s just that it’s boring and looks like hard work, and that’s because it’s both things. Like the old quote opportunities are missed because they come dressed up in overalls and look like work. Same basic concept.

Do you have goals? If not then you need to get goals right away. Doesn’t really matter what they are, so long as you have some. Having goals will ensure that you grow so long as you pursue after them every day in some way, even if small. Goals are the key to growth. But that doesn’t answer the last part of our starting question. How do you know if you’re on the right path? This one is a lot trickier to answer.

Let’s get to it.

How To Know If You’re On The Right Path

In some way this is impossible to know. After all depending on how we define the “right path” there will be a different answer for every person. However let’s say that a right path is the path that is fulfilling and doesn’t lead to great harm to those that deserve no harm. So essentially a path that fulfills and uplifts you. How do you know if you’re on this path? The first thing to look for is the “fruits of your labor” meaning what are your daily and weekly actions producing? What is the fruit from your labor? Granted some fruit can be hard to impossible to notice in yourself but you should still be getting a general idea from things.

From how your life has changed or from how people are reacting to you. Again this one is trickier to define and a lot of it has to do with a “gut feeling” which can be very different from person to person. But again look at the fruits of your labor and see what you’re getting and you’ll know where you’re going and start to understand if it’s the path that you want to be on or something else entirely. But that’s about all the advice I can offer you on that topic. Look at your results, how do they make you feel, and then adjust, or don’t, accordingly.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge


Charles Sledge