Is It Actually Possible To “Reclaim Your Freedom” In The Modern World?

The tagline for this site is to “Reclaim your freedom” and everything on this site is designed in some way, shape, or form to help you “reclaim your freedom”. But what does that mean? What does it look like? Freedom is a nebulous term that has taken on many different meaning depending on who says it. To some freedom represents the greatest good that there possibly can be and yet for others freedom is a grand evil that leads to destruction.

So what do we mean when we talk about “reclaiming your freedom”? And what does this look like? Specifically, in the real world? Let’s start with definitions. To reclaim means “retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given, or paid); obtain the return of” and freedom means “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint” or “the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved”.

Now what does that mean to us? When we say reclaim your freedom, what is meant is to reclaim your natural state of being from an unnatural world that has taken it from you and denies you it. Freedom means free to live as you were designed and created to live. In line with the primal/cosmic order. It does not mean to have certain political freedoms, though that can be part of it.

It doesn’t mean social freedoms either. It surely doesn’t mean to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Such a state is not only undesirable but impossible to attain. Now with this more defined reclaiming of freedom, the next logical question is “What does this look like?” as well as “Is this even possible in the modern world?”

Let’s start with the second question.

Is The Reclaiming Of Freedom Even Possible In The Real World?

The modern world is different from the world that came before it. While civilizations rise and fall and humanity moves in cycles there are aspects of the modern world that are unique and provide unique challenges. For example never in known history has humanity achieved the level of technology that it currently has. Whether drones delivering missiles, nuclear bombs, phones recording everything you say, or many other things.

Though human nature is the same, the tool for use and abuse of that nature have changed. For the people with power it is not in their best interest for people to “reclaim their freedom” and live their best lives. Why? Because a person living their best life generates less money than one that is not. A person living their best life will be free of many medical conditions, have little use for pharmaceuticals, have no need of illegal drugs or alcohol, not be okay with controlling tyrannical policies, and will stand up against perversity.

And this is something that no modern leader wants. But why? Wouldn’t you want your country to be filled with strong and free people? No, and here’s why. Strong and free people and hard to control and the name of the game is control leading to money and power. The world is very connected now. Most the world takes it lead and marching orders from Washington D.C. yet even then it’s the U.S. that controls things but rather those with money.

And these people want to keep the money flowing and the power that comes from it, but we’re getting off track here. Regardless they don’t want you to live naturally and in line with the primal/cosmic order so they set things apart to lead you away from it. The news, music, movies, TV, schooling, “education”, and many other things are designed to lead you away from reclaiming you freedom and instead be an unquestioning consumer.

To summarize this means two things. First off, it will be impossible for the majority to reclaim their freedom. There’s just too much inertia to overcome and the average person isn’t going to overcome inertia. However for select individuals who don’t make a big fuss of things, try to run for political office, or gain a ton of influence, freedom is possible. You’ll have to compromise in some parts but overall you can still live this life.

But what does that look like?

What Does Reclaiming Your Freedom Look Like?

So what does a man who’s “reclaimed his freedom” look like in the modern world. Well given that every soul in unique and every mind different there is no “one way” to go about this. However there are some generalities that can be pointed out. We’ll cover the major topics relationships, money, masculinity, health, mindset, and world understanding.

A man who has reclaimed his freedom is one that is going to have relationships he wants to have. He will have worked on himself and worked out the issues that he has to end up in a heathy and happy relationship depending on what he wants. Maybe that’s a wife, maybe that’s multiple women. It’s up to the man in question and what he wants. But he will not be forced into relationships be doesn’t want because of weakness, ignorance, or desperation.

And this goes beyond romantic relationships to business, social, and familial ones as well. Money wise a man who has reclaimed his freedom is free of debt, either has a six figure income or has found a way to live that doesn’t require such but knows how to make that kind of money if needed, and that generally has some sort of passive income going on. Money is not a concern for him. It’s not a constant threat that’s always hanging over his head.

He’s smart about money and knows to avoid the many money traps that are out there. With his masculinity a free man is secure. He has proven himself and initiated himself into manhood. He generally has a close pack or if not that, at least a group that keeps him somewhat accountable. He makes sure that his iron gets sharpened as often as possible.

Health wise he is free from mental and physical ailments for the most part. He has cured whatever can be cured and is in general good health. He does not need pharmaceuticals or tries to use as little as possible. He eats naturally and healthy, makes sleep important, hormones are optimized, and has some way of staying in shape and getting into nature.

For his mindset he has a healthy one. He’s not overly down or positive. He doesn’t whine or complain. If things can be fixed or worked out then he does what is required to do these things. If they cannot then he learns to accept them as best he can. He know he is not powerless but still must work hard for whatever he wants. He knows his subconscious has great power and does not place limiting beliefs on himself.

For world understanding he understands human nature and the negative overall quality of it. He understands that man can rise above his base nature and strives to do so in his own life yet understands that for those in power and the majority of the population that just isn’t going to work. He is not naive and understands that this world is not a pretty place though little pockets of health and beauty can be cultivated with hard work.

More Than Just Platitudes

That may sound like a bunch of listed platitudes but it is the making those things into your reality that makes the difference. So the reclaiming of one freedoms is certainly possible in the modern world, it’s just much harder. You may have to move countries, you may have to change careers, you most certainly will have to grow and change yourself. But in the end it is worth it.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge