The 10 Biggest Things That Can Ruin A Man’s Life – Part 1

So much of life is not just about knowing what to do but also knowing what not to do. Avoiding trouble is half the battle. In today’s world, at least in the West but day by day more and more across the world, we’re hitting a crisis of sorts, especially when it comes to masculinity and identity. So many pathways and forces that were once there to help and guide are gone or even considered evil.

Up is down and left is right, good is bad and day is night. Because of this most people end up confused, lying to themselves, numbed out of their minds, lost, or insane. It can seem that those are the only options available to us anymore. And if we leave ourselves to the devices of this world, if we count on society, culture, religion, government, schooling, media, and peers to guide us, one of the above five is exactly where we’ll end up.

But there is a way to avoid it and that is the path of wisdom and understanding. The narrow path that leads to life. However such a path is not an easy path to walk or to find. So today we’ll help shed some light on the path. We’ve all been caught up in different things in life that have held us back, that are holding us back. Listing them out here will help to identify them.

I want you to go them one by one and make a note of any that may be affecting your life and keeping your from living to your potential and achieving the life that you want, that you were born to live.

So let’s dive in.

Thing That Ruins The Lives Of Men 1 – No Goals

You have to have goals that you’re working for. Any goal is better than no goal, always. If you don’t have any goals, any aspirations, any dreams, then you’ll just floating around going nowhere and accomplishing nothing. Day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year you’ll just mildew and become less and less as the years go on. Time is the most valuable resource that we have, you do not have time to waste. You must go out and seize the day each and every day.

And this all starts by having goals, especially worthy goals that you strive for each and every day. You cannot be adrift because that’s how you end up against the rocks. Think about what you want your life to look like in ten years, five years, one year and then look at the daily goals that will be required to get there. Let’s say that right now in five years time you’d like to be in a committed relationship with a good woman, be financial independent, and compete competitively at a chosen sport you enjoy.

Let’s break down daily and weekly goals required to get there. Let’s start with committed relationships. First off how are you doing? Physically, mentally, spiritually? Are you out of shape? No social skills? Never get out of the house? Well how are you going to attract a mate with such qualities? So gym and developing social skills might be a daily goal. Say go to the gym and do proscribed workout and talk with three people while there might be a goal. Say “hello” to five people a day. Might sound foolish but it can make a difference.

Next you need to have a place where you can meet a girl who’d be a good fit for you. What hobbies or interests do you have to meet such a girl? You’re not going to meet her on the couch or your computer. Get out in the real world with real people, that’s where you’ll meet her. Now what about money? What job do you have? Will it get you to financial independence? What do you need to get there?

A degree? Then set up going to school. Knowledge? Then set up learning that knowledge. And so on and so forth. What daily and weekly actions must you take to get there? What about your sport? You may soon see that your time gets used up very quickly figuring out all you need to do. Be honest with yourself and look where you’re wasting time and can change that time to something productive. And prioritize your goals.

Not all are going to hold the same importance for you and you may not be able to pursue them all at once. Remember the important thing is to have goals. Large overarching goals that serve as north stars but also daily and weekly goals that you can check off your list each and every day.

The Rest Are Yet To Come

I expected to cover more than one thing today but don’t want this to stretch too far. Have goals. It may seem like a simple thing and that’s because it is. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that because something is simple that it isn’t powerful. Because having goals is one of the most powerful concepts that you can understand. If you don’t have a goal then I want you to make one for yourself right here and now. Write it down, not on a computer, but on pen and paper. Make an overarching goal for yourself one that’ll take at least a year to accomplish and then make daily goals that you’ll accomplish that’ll lead you to the big goal or at least as close as you can get.

Don’t wait, do it now.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge