3 Things We Do That Sabotage Our Success

What is success? Success is the progressive accomplishment of a worthy goal. Success is moving in the direction that you want to move in for your life. Success is developing physically, mentally, and spiritually and moving to higher levels of existing and understanding. Success is growing in wisdom, truth, and courage. Success is many things. And there are many things that keep up from realizing the success that we so want for our lives.

There are myriad factors for why you might not be achieving the success that you want today. There is no way that I could ever hope to list all of them in a simple essay. Even a series of books would struggle with that. Instead I will focus on some of the big mental habits that keep people from experiencing the success that they want out of life. That keep people stuck in safe mediocrity instead of rising to risky heights of success. Which actually are far less risky than mediocrity.

So let’s begin.

There Is No Reward Without This…

1 Corinthians 13:11 KJV

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

When we are young we are told no very often and for good reason. We and young and without reason, our parents, teachers, and society at large often knew best compared to us. No, putting that fork in the light socket is foolish. No, getting a girl pregnant at fourteen is not wise. No, drinking while driving is not a wise choice. And so on and so forth.

We are kept alive and healthy by the ‘no’s’ of the authorities around us. At least at first. However there comes a time when that changes. There comes a time when we have developed our reasoning and understanding. Often to a great level than society and authority figures around us. And when this happens we can run into issues because we are running on the old programming of that those around us know better.

When they do not.

So we shy away from risk. We don’t ask the pretty girl on a date, we don’t throw down money on a business investment, we don’t go for that new job. And thereby we remain stuck and without the success that could easily be ours. To finish the heading above, there is no reward without risk. And risk is the fundamental essence of success. If you are not willing to risk money, ego, everything, then you will never achieve success. You have to risk, you have to bet on yourself.

Because no one else is going to.

The Successful Continually Do This…

There is always another level. Another height to be reached. We are never done growing and if we are not growing then we are stagnating, there is no standing still in the world. If we are not moving forwards then we are moving backwards. The successful and the ultra-successful know this. They are constantly learning, refining, and growing. Even at the top of their game they are still looking for that next level. Because they know the great competition is with who they were the day before, not who else is around them.

They are constantly learning from others, seeking our new avenues of learning, reading books, taking classes, having deep discussions, listening to lectures, and doing everything else that they can to learn more and grow, to become more each and every day. That’s not to say that they don’t take time to smell the roses or that they’re constantly ‘hustling’ whatever that means. But rather they bake in constant learning to their day to day existence.

And through doing so experience more and more success.

Embrace This

You score in the end zone, not in the comfort zone.

A bit of a cheesy saying but one that has wisdom in it. For those that don’t know the ‘end zone’ is the scoring zone in American football, a sport I love and played until my 20’s.

Put simply if you aren’t uncomfortable, at least somewhat, then you’re not growing. Now this doesn’t mean morally uncomfortable nor does it mean pushing yourself to your limits each and every day. Both are unwise. Rather it means pushing yourself to where you feel some resistance. Your body and mind want to keeps things at the same level so you have to make them a bit uncomfortable to push yourself. Maybe it’s investing a little more money than you thought into an ad campaign, maybe it’s pushing yourself to do one more gym sessions a week, or even one less.

You should get comfortable with a middling level of discomfort, because its by pushing through discomfort that you will experience growth. You don’t want to push so hard that you’ll break and you don’t want to experience so little discomfort that you’re never far beyond your comfort zone. Push yourself, but not too hard. Like most things it is a balancing act.

3 Habits For Success

Nothing here is rocket science but then success is not rocket science. It’s not exactly complicated but it’s not easy either. Adopt these principles, figure out how to live them and start implementing them in your day to day lives. If you need help then shoot me an email and we can discuss the implementation further. Maybe it could be the topic for another article.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge