3 General Tips For Success In Life As A Man

After writing thousands of articles sometimes it can take a bit of work to figure out what to write about, especially when you feel you’ve done most things to death. I can’t imagine those sites that focus around one single topic and are focused to constantly churn out things that are solidly in the 80% of stuff that gets you 20% of results just to produce more and more content.

Because new content is always needed. But anyways I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to write today so I thought I’d hit on a couple of different things that I thought would help you. My aim with each article I write is to give you advice that will give you practical takeaways. Not everything I right had immediate application but if we want to address the many facets of life then there are things that we’ll have to cover that aren’t going to be “10 simple steps”.

But I’m getting off topic here. So today I want to go over some general life stuff that I haven’t seen covered a whole lot and should provide some answers to specific questions. So without further ado let’s get started.

Breaking Out Of The Perpetual Adolescence Of Most Western Males

Much has been made in men’s self-improvement circles about the awfulness of feminism, and while I agree with that general diagnosis this can also be used to excuse a lot of BS from men as well. For example we’ve all heard about feminists telling men they need to “man up and marry these aging sluts.” as the manosphere definition goes. Where women who’ve spent their years partying and having fun, now that their looks are fading, want some victim who they can latch onto and get support and money from for the rest of their days.

Obviously any man who takes up this deal is crazy or ignorant. However with that being said that doesn’t therefore mean that there isn’t a “manning up” problem, especially in the West. There certainly is, however when most men are called out on it or addressed for it they retreat into thinking or saying that only a feminist would say that or that’s “gynocentric” or some other nonsense thought.

For example to say to a guy to work hard to get a good paying job. They’ll say that’s only for men who worship women and have bought into a women centered system. Which is ridiculous. But again, getting off topic. Point is most males, especially Western ones, stay boys for life. They never have a chance to prove themselves as men to another group of vetted other men, a tribe to use an overused word.

There are a couple ways to break out of this. Running a business and supporting yourself through your own income, doing something like the military, maybe joining a MMA or boxing gym and competing. These are all things that help men break free of that cycle of staying children.

The biggest thing is to take responsibility for yourself and your position in life. That is one of the biggest steps to manhood. Stop making excuses and stop whining and crying. take responsibility and then take action.

Hormonal Problems & The Rise Of The Modern Man

Truth be told I think with healthy family dynamics and healthy hormonal profiles something like the manosphere would never have been needed, likewise something like feminism would never have risen. I could be wrong here but I think this has a lot to do with it. You see a proliferation of both hormonal problems as well as mental problems in the modern world and a lot of it is solvable by diet and lifestyle.

Not all people but most could be completely fixed by eating right and living the right lifestyle. When hormones are right and family dynamics are right I just don’t see many men having problems getting a date, finding a job, and having a relatively happy life. The trick is those things are getting harder and harder to get right. There are a variety of diets and such out there. I’d recommend checking out Weston A. Price and the carnivore diet for a good start and adding things in as needed.

Do that with weightlifting or some other form of intense exercise (sprints, sparring, etc. not jogging) and I think you’ll be good on that end. If this is something you’re not doing, something you’re “putting off until later” stop. You need to do this right now. This isn’t one of those things you put out. This effects every facet of your life. Exercise, eat right, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep and do something like meditation.

That is literally a life changing prescription right there.

When The Hedonic Treadmill Breaks Down & You Don’t Know What To Do

Most guys are interested in getting paid and getting laid. I get it, I’m no different. However the problem arises when men think that’s all there is too life. Ironically often the males who think this are those that are getting neither paid nor laid and therefore think if they got those two things they would therefore feel complete, but that’s not quite how it works.

Sure getting paid and getting laid are great, I recommend everyone do them, but when they become the entire focus of a life and when it’s all about the next girl and the next paycheck then something’s wrong and it’s going to go wrong. Man was not meant to live on cash and pussy alone. Sure both have a part in a man’s life but if you think all it’s about then you’re not going to have a very fulfilling life.

The earlier you prepare for this the better. Understand that you could be a multi-millionaire and a different girl every day and still might not be happy. Don’t get me wrong it’ll be a hell of a lot easier to find happiness then the guy that’s broke and girlless but it’s not the end all be all. There’s more to life than dopamine hits and consuming. Search for a deeper meaning.

Looking For Answers

I tried to address things that I don’t see addressed everywhere else. Although exercise, eat right, sleep, and meditate is sort of cliche now, however it’s the doing that gives it, its power. Hopefully you found something interesting and helpful in all of this that can help move you towards the life you want to live. One that is fulfilling and filled with good things. Until next time.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge