How To Become The Ultimate Alpha Male In 4 Simple Steps (Luke Douglas)

This is a guest post by Luke Douglas of a workout and training site. In this article Luke talks about how to become an alpha male in 4 simple steps. Enjoy.

Speaking of the ultimate alpha male, we can say that he is a man who takes care of himself – both on the inside and on the outside, who is loved by the women and is always noticed, wherever he appears. He always knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to take it. He is confident and competitive, dominant and powerful. Are you an alpha male? If you want to become one, just make sure to keep on reading. Here are four simple steps you should take in order to achieve your goal, so check them out and make that happen!

Step #1 – First of all, make sure your clothes fit perfectly

No matter if you’re wearing your most expensive suit, or an ordinary white T-shirt matched with your favorite pair of jeans, you should know that the way your clothes fit is exactly what makes a great difference. Even though a lot of people claim that clothes don’t make the man, true alpha males know that their outfits really play a huge role in their lives, which is why they spend significant amounts of time putting together their clothing combos. Of course, you should always bear in mind that your clothes should be neither too tight nor too baggy. It may take you some time until you manage to get it right, but when you do it, you’ll enjoy a major transformation.

Step #2 – It’s not just about muscles, but the right attitude

Yes, we know that alpha males are most often depicted as bulky guys with perfectly sculpted bodies and a breathtaking six-pack, but you know what? Your muscles don’t define you as an alpha male – it’s your attitude that matters, so nurture the right habits instead of just lifting weights. Don’t let anyone tell you that big muscles only bring big benefits when it comes to the ladies – of course, a lot of women are attracted to such guys, but the truth is that there are also ladies who don’t care for muscles, but for your ability to start a meaningful communication. Once you win her over with your wits, you can be sure that she’s all yours!

Always, always be original and unique

The ultimate alpha male is always original, which makes him stand out from the crowd and attract all the ladies. A lot of men these days pay a lot of attention to their hair, and their hairstyle is their signature feature, so make sure to find a modern one that perfectly suits your face shape and you’ll be one step closer to your perfect alpha male look. On the other hand, some guys simply adore decorating their body in other ways, one of which is getting a tattoo. This trend is gaining momentum among the alpha males in Australia, where men are taking this ancient practice to a whole new level. It’s important to say that a lot of them are getting amazing Japanese tattoos in Sydney, which is definitely a great way to express their originality and authenticity. Of course, other styles are more than desirable as well, if that’s your way of showing the world who you really are.

Step #3 – Have strong body language

Being extremely confident is what characterizes alpha males, but not just that – they also know how to show confidence in the best possible way, which is exactly what makes them so attractive and powerful. It’s all in their strong and expressive body language, which may be seen as too pushy or even vulgar by other men or some women. No matter what you think, alpha males know how they walk, how they sit and stand, where their hands are, and what they look at, and that’s what makes them inexplicably sexy and desirable. Needless to say, these guys are respectful of women as well, and they always manage to keep an interesting conversation going. Even though a lot of people think that it doesn’t really matter what you say to girls, but in what way – trust us that everything matters equally. So, if you impress her with your communication skills and your overall attitude, you’ll be able to do everything you want!

As you can see, there are a lot of things you need to take into consideration if you want to become the ultimate alpha male every woman would love to have by her side. Apart from always staying fit, trendy, and original, you should also make sure that your clothes perfectly fit your body measurements, as well as that you have the right attitude towards the world around you. Once that’s done, just ensure that your body language is strong enough, and you’ll accomplish your goal in no time!



Charles Sledge