The 10 Biggest Things That Can Ruin A Man’s Life – Part 5

We’re coming to end now. We’ve covered eight things that can ruin men’s lives so far. Those things are as follows…

  1. Not having goals
  2. Poor money management and acquirement
  3. Bad relationships
  4. Addictions
  5. Not growing
  6. Foolishness
  7. Weakness
  8. Naivety

Now we’re going to cover the final two.

Thing That Ruin The Lives Of Men 9 – Unhealthy Living

So what is meant by unhealthy living? If you’ve read my work for any length of time then you’ll know that I’m a big believer in defining terms. If we’re not working from the same definition then we’ll never be on the same page and communication will be compromised and that’s the last thing we want. So again, what exactly is meant by unhealthy living? To be it broadly unhealthy living is anything that takes man away from the primal/cosmic order.

The grand order that represents healthy living, thinking, and existing. So this goes beyond eating right and working out, though those are both big. But covers physical, mental, and spiritual components as well. So let’s look at this big picture, because covering all the nitty gritty details are what every one of my books as well as every article I write is about and therefore beyond the scope of a few paragraphs.

So we talked about working out and eating right. You know that but let’s take it a step deeper. Don’t just worry about getting your macros right, look at micronutrition as well. Look for nutrient dense foods and make sure they’re a part of your daily life. Get good sleep, and do exercise of some form or another. Run, lift, swim, fight, hike, whatever, just something that strains your body. Avoid processed modern foods as well as modern drugs as much as you can, whether from the local dealer or the pharmacy. Only take what is required.

Mentally you need to be learning and growing every day. Read books, take classes, watch videos, and always have something you’re learning about and developing. Life is about moving forward, which we already discussed. And you already know to develop critical thinking and pattern recognition. But this is about what to keep out as well. Plenty of things dirty, corrupt, and muddy your mind. The eyes are the eyes to the body so watch what you are watching and make sure it’s thing that are going to help you. Think good thoughts, cultivate good things.

Spiritually. This is about two things, keeping yourself clean and strengthening yourself. We talked about a few things meditation, struggle, spending time in nature and avoiding things like addictions and unhealthy habits. This is about keeping your heart clean with good, strong, and though it might sound a bit cheesy “manly” thoughts. Seeking things that are worthy and not entangling yourselves with the many snares of the world.

This is not about being an ascetic. Ascetics have retreated from the world and their natural functioning, they are as much against that which is good are the perverters are. This is a balancing act and quite a complicated one at times. Seek out all the knowledge you can to develop yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. And live a healthy life in all facets.

Remember it’s all connected. With a nutrient dense diet your mind can function at its top functioning, without your mind functioning at its top functioning you make poor choices that led down wrong paths. And can end up in negative cycles. If you don’t know where to start then start with an exercise program and eating nutrient dense foods. That will set up the foundation for everything else.

Thing That Ruins The Lives Of Men 10 – Not Forging Relationships

Too many men have this ‘lone wolf’ mentality, but what they fail to understand is that a lone wolf is a dead and exploited wolf. The strength of the wolf is the pack and the strength of the man is his tribe. We are tribal creatures by biology we are meant to function in tribes and groups. Alone we can accomplish very little. You need to learn how to forge relationships and forge healthy ones with those around you. Too many men in the modern world like to isolate themselves away and become despondent and vulnerable because of this.

You need to have relationships. With your family if possible, with friends, with the community, professionally, and otherwise. Man is not meant to be alone. While you should strive to not be reliant on others, be independent as possible, and be an asset to any tribe that’d have you, at the same time you need to realize that you can never be truly independent from all others. That doesn’t make sense and isn’t healthy.

We live in the world and therefore must be part of it. If the relationships you have are just guys from high school or college that aren’t going anywhere then you’re not going to go anywhere either. You need to branch out and get in new circles, network, meet new people. And that’s one other thing these have to be flesh and blood relationships, online doesn’t count.

You have to see these people in real life, face to face. Look at areas where you can start to forge relationships. I’m not saying you need to be best friends with everyone but rather just become part of the community around you. Forge connections and bonds. Look for groups that you join and become a part of, locally. Online groups are fine and can be part of this but they’re not the goal or main part.

Real flesh and blood relationships are. So what groups can you join and be a part of? We all start with family and profession, though lately profession might not count since so many are working from home. What are other ways you can enter the community? Church or mosque? Community groups? Local gym or club? What do you have to offer to the community? Can you organize or teach something? And if not then join something, there are tons of clubs out there.

Just get out there and see what works for you. Get out in the world, that’s where life happens, not behind a screen.

The Top Things That Ruin The Lives Of Men

So we’ve covered them all, which frankly is a lot of ground so it’s fine if you’re a bit overwhelmed. If you get even half of what we covered here you’ll be ahead of ninety five percent of men out there. Get all of it and you’ll be in the one percentile easily. But that doesn’t mean you can stop. You always need to keep moving forward, keep learning, keep growing, and keep becoming more.

That’s our mission while we’re here on this earth. To grow and be part of something to the utmost of our ability. To be men that truly live lives, not just exist. This will take many different forms for many different people but the point is to get there, regardless of what your particular dream or song looks like. Work each and every day to make your dreams a reality and live the life that you want.

The life you were born to live out.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge