Trust Your Gut

We all have instincts. Instincts that were designed so that we could survive. Imagine if we had to learn everything from scratch. Instead of naturally being afraid of predators we had to watch someone else get eaten before we understood they were dangerous. The human race would have never made it. Instincts are given to us so that we can survive. Now granted in today’s age our instincts can work against us but overall they are for our benefit.

Some examples of our instincts working against us is our desire for foods that are dense in calories before that would have ensured survival now it ensures diabetes and an expanding waist. However unnaturally repressing our instincts has consequences as well. For example never talking to a cute girl because you were taught that is bad ensures you’ll never get the chance to reproduce. Point is our instincts were given to us to survive.


Intuition means different things for different people. For women it generally means whatever they’re feeling in the moment and can change from moment to moment while with men it generally means a gut feeling that they get because they are seeing/hearing/noticing something that is familiar in some way, shape, or form to something that they’ve faced before. For example the hair on a dog’s neck being raised means the dog is agitated. A bit of a random example but you get the point.

No doubt you’ve been in situations before when suddenly you got an instinctual feeling and acted on it. Depending on what the situation was the outcome was probably in your favor. I know guys who when they were overseas talking about acting on a gut feeling saved their life. They sensed something was off even though they couldn’t place their finger on it, and they didn’t have to. They acted and are now here because of it. They trusted their guy and lived to tell the tale. Their subconscious was picking up on something that their conscious mind was unaware of, that’s what a gut feeling is.

The One Time Feeling Trumps Logic

When you get a gut feeling about something is the one time that I would trust feeling over logic. Because truth be told it’s not really feeling you are responding to but a deep logic that you subconscious has figured out but needs to get to your conscious and does that through a feeling. This applies to men not to be mean but if a woman has a gut feeling it’s usually meaningless and will pass in a couple of moments. Take it on a case by case basis but don’t throw the same weight behind it. Men and women are different and this works differently for each.

Don’t let others persuade you to disregard gut feelings especially if they have something at stake. For example sometimes guys get gut feelings that their wives may not be faithful but they disregard them only to be blindsided later when they discover the truth. On the positive end of the spectrum a guy gets a feeling that a girl has the hots for him but doesn’t make a move and later finds out she was hot and ready. Point is trust and follow your gut, it’s there for a reason.

The Power Of Intuition

Your gut is very powerful after all it’s how the powerhouse of your mind, your subconscious often communicates with you. Combine that with years of evolution and you have one powerful and wise force. Whenever you get an inclination that is taking you a certain way trust your gut. For example when I first decided to start writing for men it was because of a gut feeling that I had and that I’ve followed ever since. My gut or heart whatever you want to call it has never led me wrong (by heart I don’t mean emotional feelings like the average guy gets for a woman). I can tell when I’m not on the right path because of it.

I use it for business deals, for judging other people, and a variety of other things. Sure sometimes my first impression is wrong and sometimes things aren’t exactly what I thought but your gut isn’t stupid and you should always follow out what you think you know is true to it’s logical conclusion. Remember your gut isn’t some random feeling you get. Rather it’s your subconscious combined with your instincts trying to tell you something, and often that something is important.


Our species has survived the harsh environment of earth because we’ve trusted our gut (among other things). Our instincts have been honed so that we are capable of surviving whatever the natural world can throw at us. Combine that with our subconscious that stores everything we’ve ever experienced or learned and you have a powerful force on your side. Ignore it at your own peril. Now I should also warn that just because you get a bad feeling in your gut means that a bad things has happened. But it’s your duty to follow that feeling so you can know for sure.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge