Take Pride In Yourself

A man takes pride in himself and who he is. The destroyers of civilization would have you believe that pride is an evil, that pride is some sort of vice. They tell you this because they hate honor and know that a man who takes pride in himself will stand up for himself and what he believes in. Free men have pride while slaves do not. They tell you pride is evil to make a slave out of you, to make your docile, complacent, put simply to make you an easy mark an easy target so they can do what they want with you.

It’d be like a wolf telling all the deer that not having a broken leg was evil and wrong. Only the dumbest believe what their enemy tells them, unfortunately most men have no idea who the enemy is or that there even is one. They fail to see that the society around them is a bigger threat to them then any far off army or bugaboo that the destroyers of civilization push. A man who takes pride in himself and who he is expands his strength and thereby his honor. He becomes an example to lead the other slaves out of captivity, something that the rulers do not want.

Take Pride In Yourself

A man takes pride in himself. He takes pride in who he is, what he stands for, and what he is about. Pride is good, pride is noble, and pride is honorable. By pride I don’t mean arrogance but rather pride as in being proud of oneself. A man who has pride in himself does not bow to others or go along with whatever they want. He stands his ground and is firm in his beliefs. He cannot be pushed around by the world or controlled. He is self-reliant, he is independent, he is free. And it is this kind of man that can undo the entire matrix. Which is society does everything in its power to thwart this kind of man from ever developing.

Take pride in yourself, take pride in who you are, take pride in your race, take pride in your heritage, take pride in being a man, take pride in standing strong and fighting against the world around you. While others wallow about in weakness and degeneracy like pigs in mud you stand above. While others stuff their face you train, while others whack off to porn you attract the most beautiful and desirable women, while others are decaying you are growing stronger every day. Take pride in this, take pride in yourself, and take pride in being a man.

High Standard

A man holds himself to a high standard. I hold myself to a standard this is unreachable. I do this because I want to be sure that no one else will hold me to a higher standard then I hold myself. I do this because I have pride in myself and want to be the best. I want to put myself through the deepest of fires so that when the world throws its own fires at me they’ll barely even register. It’d be like if you had to fight a man your size and practiced on yourself and held yourself to a standard where you fought and beat men who stood a foot taller then you and weight one hundred pounds more. When the fight came it’d be a joke.

Hold yourself to such a standard that even the hardest and strongest of men couldn’t hold you to a higher one. Go above and beyond whatever you think is necessary day in and day out. That is how you become strong, that is how you become a man, that is how you become the best. Let’s say that society expects you to operate at a level of 5 (using numbers to explain the concept better), your honor group expects you to operate at a level of 25, and your father expects you to operate at a level of 30, and your greatest hero operated at a level of 75. Hold yourself to the standard of someone who operates at a level of 100.

Do Hard Things

If something is hard then it’s probably the right thing to do. If you have a choice between two decision and are wondering which one is the right one. It’s a good bet whichever one is harder to do is going to be the right choice. The one that causes more discomfort, pain, and thereby growth. Choose the harder right over the easier wrong. Force yourself to do things you don’t want to do. Discipline works like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it will get. Force yourself to wake up early instead of sleeping in, to hit the gym instead of watch TV, to read a book instead of using social media. And so on and so forth.

By constantly doing hard things you will constantly better yourself. You will become better then those around you and ascend to higher and higher levels. Move against resistance, move against inertia, that is how you become stronger. Fight against the current. Seek out others who are like minded and will add to your progress. You will be fought against and others will try to push you back into mediocrity. They do this because either your growth will show them how weak they are or they fear you growing because you’ll break the chains they have binded you with. Taking flak is a good indication that you are on target.


Take pride in yourself and who you are. Take pride in your heritage and in being a man. Hold yourself to a high standard, higher than anyone else around you can or would hold you to. Do hard things, fight against inertia and weakness. That is how you become strong. Understand that most will wish that you always remain a slave, a eunuch, a castrated spineless wimp. But that is not how a man was born to live. A man was born to live proud and free. Never forget this.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge


  1. Great points as usual Charles.

    One of the worst things a man can do is hamstring himself by buying into the destructive bullshit that tells him that it’s not ok to be a man. It is paramount to take pride in your accomplishments and to be unafraid to leverage all of your strengths to their fullest.

    Great point about discipline too: it’s like a muscle that strengthens itself the more you use it.

    • Thanks Joe. Absolutely you can’t let such destructive thoughts into your mind because once they take root they keep you from accomplishing anything.

  2. You can only have pride in yourself when you know what
    pride is. You need to be around others that hold themselves
    to higher standard that show they have pride, not who say
    they have pride and act in a totally different way.

    It gets harder and harder to find anyone with pride, society has
    decided to accept everyone for the failures they are, and no
    longer hold anyone to higher standards!

    Great post!

  3. One of your best posts.

    Been trying to think of what’s necessary to be a man and holding myself to a higher standard would solves lot of issues.

    Great job, Charles.

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