There Is No Replacement For Masculinity

Most males know that they are lacking something. They feel it deep down in their bones and in the depths of their soul. While they can’t place their finger on exactly what it is, they know that something is missing. They look to society for answers but society simply fills them with more toxic poison designed to destroy the very thing that they need. Their parents and peers have no guidance to offer them either, at least no guidance that will get them what they want. So they go in try to find fulfillment in other things, maybe if I do just X I can finally feel fulfilled.

They know there are things that they want. Those good feelings and happy life that they’ve heard so much about yet every time they follow the rules that society has lain out for them they feel themselves drifting away from that feeling and that life more and more. They know they need something but are not sure how to go about getting it. So eventually some discard the rules that society have lain out for them and pursue things hoping that it’ll give them what they want. However while these things are good they do not compare with what really matters.


Ah the male thinks “If I could just get money then everything would be okay”. Then I would feel fulfilled and get the women that I want. After all all that a woman care about is the size of a guys wallet haha. So the male pursues money. No doubt money is very important and essential to living a good life yet ultimately it will not fulfill you. The male reaches his goals and becomes a powerhouse in business. He has made millions. He has the large house, beautiful women pay him attention, and he thinks that he has it all. He thinks “Well then why am I not fulfilled?”.

Unfortunately then is when many rich people decide to seek out “spirituality” a pit from which they rarely ever return and know deep down doesn’t fulfill them. Sure it gives them some cheap sense of purpose but not that deep strong purpose that they know is out there. The male finds that money has not brought him fulfillment and all the beautiful women he dates cheat on him. “But why?” he thinks after all I have money and all women care about is the size of a guys wallet! At least that’s what he tells himself. He gets married and is cheated on with half his stuff taken even after getting a prenup.


Another male thinks “Oh I know what will make me a man. If I get huge muscles and six pack abs, after all that’s what being a man is all about!” so he runs out and throws himself into his workouts and into his nutrition. He even has a timer set so he can drink a protein shake while using the rest room at night. He’s going all in because he knows after all it’s big muscles that make you a man and get you all the ladies. After two years of hard training he has done it, he is contracted as a fitness model and is one of the most in shape males in the world. He now gets attention from all the girls he liked and screws many of them.

He doesn’t even have to do that much work. However he still feels like something is off. He denies it of course after all he has muscles so he more of a man than anyone, right? After all it is muscles that make the man and hey chicks dig muscles! No doubt being in shape is important and good but it is not all. The male finds that some males seem so much happier than him and that he even feels intimidated in the presence of some of them. “But why?” he thinks, after all I have bigger muscles then them! He is surprised to find that his gorgeous girlfriend left him for a man half his size. He throws himself into the gym harder thinking if he just got bigger muscles and just got lower bodyfat he’d finally be fulfilled.


Ha yeah I know that muscles and money don’t make a man. Pfft I pull girls from muscle bound jocks and rich betas every day and it cracks me up how they respond. I know how to hit a girls emotions and take her home. This is all I need after all I can sometimes sleep with club girls and even picked up some girls during the day. Tell me what’s better than that? Isn’t that the ultimate achievement in life? I picked up some girls and slept with them! Though it was kind of weird cause the last three girls I dated ended up leaving me or cheating on me. And with some chode who probably hasn’t even read The Mystery Method. WTF I bet he doesn’t even know what kino means!

And honestly sometimes I get to thinking and think “Maybe pulling mediocre girls from bars and coffee shops isn’t all their is to life”. But I think nah man no way that’s chode thinking. Yet then again I have friends who pull way hotter girls then me…frequently and they like don’t even obsess about it. It’s like natural for them or something. It’s kinda weird they don’t even use lines or routines. I thought game would give me the ultimate power with women yet it doesn’t and it’s like there’s more to life then chasing after chicks performing for them and having the occasional decent looking one sleep with me…but that’d be crazy right?


Alright so this article was written in a bit of a parody style and here’s my point with all this. First off no it’s not that money, working out, or learning some game is wrong. Not at all and as a matter of fact would encourage you to be strong in all of the above areas. They are certainly important for your development and it’s good to know how to acquire money, staying in shape and healthy, as well as knowing the basics of game. However there is something much more deeper and more powerful then them all and is the only thing that will completely fulfill you.

That is masculinity. This is what I mean by once you become a man fully and completely then everything falls into place. Regardless of what you want in life. Personal fulfillment, success with life, success with women, living how you please it all comes down to your masculinity. That is the center point from which everything else flows. Nothing can replace it and everything is supplemental to it. It’s the center piece. Without it you’ll never be fully fulfilled and get what you want from life. Masculinity is the sun of the universe while the others are like planets. Nice but ultimately not the center.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge