How To Be A Modern Warrior Poet

The warrior poet. A man of both deeds and words. A man versed in both learning and combat. A man who makes the most out of himself. He develops his body to be dangerous and to be able to face the challenges that the world inevitably throws at men. Yet he also develops his mind making is stronger and broadening it beyond what he once thought possible. A man that knows how to use both the pen and the sword.

A man who does not fully develop all of his assets as a man can never fully be a man. A man can be strong but it will not be for much is he is a fool. Likewise a man can be intelligent but it will be for naught if he is a coward. A man must be both brave and wise. Strong and understanding. He must understand the ways of the world and mind and be able to face whatever threats that he may find out there.

Many males try to overcompensate for their lack of masculinity in a particular area. For example one kid who is naturally bigger will use that to take advantage of others kids. He will play up his size to the best of his ability. Likewise males with natural intelligence will do the opposite. They will use their wits to their advantage and maximize the use of those. However neither ever fully develop, they both remain in an perpetually adolescent state of existence and living. They never become men because they are only half men.

The Warrior Poet

The warrior poet like a man does not develop by inertia only by force of will. Becoming a man or a warrior poet is not something that “just happens”. Things don’t just happen for men, ever. Women sometimes but men never. A man must act his will out on the world and shape reality to it. The man is the active force. The only things he gets are those which he takes. He must go out and forge himself or he will be run over. There is no middle option for men. Either rise to the heights or sink to the depths, the middle ground exists only for women.

The warrior poet has spent time developing himself. It takes time to learn the ways of the world and the ways of violence. Of cultivating a love for knowledge as well as the will to fight. He develops all of his capacities to the best that he can. He doesn’t let himself lean too much on a single thing as he knows that the world is dynamic and vicious in its testing. It will show no mercy to one who only has one set of skills. Violence, money, women, and more the world will throw them all at you. A man cannot hide he either faces the giant and emerges a victor or is crushed by it.

This idea of a middle path is often the death of a males quest to become a man. This idea of compromise and there being an easier way is nonsense. A man thrives or dies. He is not a passive force simply surviving. He is dynamic and active. He is either moving forward or moving backwards. Like I’ve said the feminine can stand still or follow the masculine but it is the masculine that must push forward. Like the old saying says “If it is up to be then it is up to me” men would to well to inscribe this motto on their heart and mind.

How To Become A Warrior Poet

So I’ve told you what a warrior poet is now an equally important question, how does one become one? What I do is point you in the right direction eventually you have to go your own path. But this is a good place to start. For apprentice warrior poets they must familiarize themselves with two things few males ever familiarize themselves with yet are crucial to their development as men and warrior poets. Those two things are violence and knowledge. If you are not reading at least a book and a week and spending at least five hours in combat or combat practice of some kind you are already failing.

Combat. Though I have my own preferred styles of combat the fact that you are struck and getting struck in a somewhat realistic manner is what matters. The on a nearly daily basis you are both receiving and inflicting pain. Again every day you are receiving pain and thereby learning to cope with it. And you are inflicting pain that you are also capable of dishing it out. You are familiarizing yourself with how two bodies act in combat situations. You are getting used to it, or as much as possible. So that when a violent confrontation happens in the real world you react on instinct.

Knowledge. A man without knowledge will not go far. Knowledge is power. Or at least applied knowledge is. Expanding your knowledge is one of the most important things that you can do. Knowledge gives you a leg up on everyone around you. It allows you to avoid pitfalls, leverage your time, and do just about anything. Knowledge is unlimited and will always have a higher ROI. Time spent reading a book, especially (but not limited too) a non-fiction one is nearly always time well spent. You are offered the world if you would just reach out and take it.


Set aside time to fight and read. Join a boxing gym or a dojo. Spent an hour every night before bed reading or perhaps an hour in the morning with a cup of tea. Whatever suits you the point is that you do it. Doing these two things will solidify your path to becoming a modern warrior poet and joining the ranks of the great men who came before you. Be a man of arms and letters, capable of facing anything. From the worst nature has to offer to the worst society has to offer. You will stand out head and shoulders above the crowd.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge