How To Fight Evil

Sounds almost cheesy doesn’t it? Like some 50’s era comic book nonsense. After all we’ve evolved beyond dumb things like good and evil, at least that’s what the psychologists tell us. Such notions are passé only backwards gun-toting hicks and those that are hopelessly behind the times believe in such things. In the modern world with our smartness we’ve figured out how things actually work. We’re just so much smarter than everyone who came before.

We should probably go ahead and give ourselves a pat on the back for being so damn smart, go ahead. Done? Felt good didn’t it? Yeah, we’re just so great. But seriously, fighting evil, that’s something for naive children to believe in but not something grown adults can sink their teeth into right? I mean c’mon we’re smarter then that. Things like virtue and all of that? That’s dumb stuff that’s part of the patriarchy/feminine imperative/etc. right?

Well not quite. The more that a man lives the more he realizes that some things are worth more than others. Through wisdom a man learns to see through the lies of his time and identify who the liars are in their many forms and masks (and if he’s luck identify the source of the lies). Not too long ago I read an article by Jared Trueheart about Orpheus and fighting evil (be sure to check it out) and it got me thinking about some things.

Virtue & The Modern World

When one things of morality one usually thinks of dorky do gooders or goody two shoes. And granted “morality” of a kind (different and separate from virtue) can certainly be this way. However it is also interesting to note that those who denounce the state of the modern world are also those who laugh at morality and virtue of any kind. Who say it’s irrelevant, old, or will get you killed in the modern world.

And again depending on what they mean by “morality” they might very well be right. But like I said this is distinct from virtue. Virtue being what is needed to fight the very real, very present, and very strong evil that we see in the world around us. There are things that I’ve recommended to men throughout the years but only a few of them have stayed conssitent and on point the entire time.

There is a trifecta if you will that in my opinion creates virtue and allows for good things to prosper. Miss any one of the three ingredients and the thing kind of fall aparts or at best becomes very lop sided. Like a stool with only two legs instead of three. All three legs have to be there for the stool to stand upright. Two of the legs could be polished and strong as a rock but if the third is missing then it’s compromised.

The Trifecta That Leads To Virtue?

Again this is my opinion and not something that’s cold hard fact (as much as cold hard fact can exist in this realm). But anyways let’s get to the trifecta that leads to virtue (as opposed to moralism/morality). Now with that being said morality does certainly play a role just not following rules for the sake of following rules and screening for morality that lines up with the cosmic/primal order as opposed to the “morality” of the current society which make be at complete odds with “true morality” (discussion for another time).

But anyways the three heads of the trifecta. Wisdom, Strength, and Character. When taken together and synthesized, mixed, or whatever word you want to use they produce virtue. You can have a man that is strong and wise but without character and he will not be virtuous. Likewise you can have a man who is wise and has character but lacks the strength to truly embody virtue. And of course you can have a man who is strong and has character but not the wisdom needed to exhibit virtue.

It is the combination of these things that leads to the virtue (true virtue) that is needed to combat evil. And this is no easy task which is why so few ever embody it. No one said fighting evil was easy (or simple or one faceted). I’ve been arguing for developing yourself into a complete well rounded man for some time now, from my first musings on being a warrior poet to now.

Evil Dies When Virtuous Men Rise

Virtuous stemming from the trifecta above. Virtuous does not mean a bunch of namby pampy boy scouts or those dogmatically following tenets without understand the why behind them. No, virtuous in the classical and traditional sense. Men with wisdom, strength, and character that produces this virtue that we’re talking about here. Full rounded and complete men able to fight the multi faceted threat of evil wherever it can be found.

One thing that can be said of the modern world is that it offers up more dragons that just about ever before. Paul had some wise words about how one should be stating that one should as innocent as a dove and a wise as a serpent I would simply add “and as strong as a bull” to that and we’re getting good places. Be innocent from the darkness of the world, wise to all of its tricks and of what is good and what is not, and then have the strength of mind, body, and spirit to stand and fight against it all.

Such men embodying virtue like this are rare and far and few in between. But it is they that make the difference they are Heraclitus’ warriors and they as the wise man once said “the battle make”. Virtue is required to win this battle. The warriors are few and the dragons are many. And the path is long, arduous, and often unrewarding. But will you heed the call?

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge