Dominance & Non-Compliance: The Two Keys To Attraction (Forever Alpha Blog)

This is a guest post from Forever Alpha Blog. A blog all about getting in shape and improving yourself as a man.

One of the many things I always find hilarious about Societal Conditioning is that it literally conditions people to be less happy. It has created more Beta males and more dominant women.

I remember once (years ago) I was living in an apartment in Nottingham in the UK, and there was a girl living in the apartment directly below me. One Friday evening we bumped into eachother after both returning from a night out at the same time. We struck up a (very brief) conversation, and ended up fucking at her place (a risky move from me but I didn’t know any better at the time). The sex was hot, primal, she came several times and it was nothing but raw attraction. She was very feminine, very eager to please and enthusiastic all round.

After doing the talk and cuddle thing afterwards, it turned out she was on a “break” from her boyfriend, which in female talk always means she wants to cheat on him in a societally acceptable way.

I then didn’t see her again for a while. I presumed she had returned to her boyfriend after having her fun. I was right.

Six months later, completely out of the blue, she came up to my apartment and knocked on my door holding a bottle of wine. Very strange – a girl making a very forward first move on me? Interesting. Girls have made moves on me, sure, but only when they already knew me quite well. The first sexual move is always on me (as it should be). Very strange.

I opened the door with a big grin on my face “what the hell do you want?”

She revealed (much later over text) that she was on another break (haha) from the same guy. Jesus why are men such fools?

After a bit of wine drinking, things progressed into the bedroom as per usual. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Until we were both naked. Instead of the eager to please, super feminine girl I had known from six months ago, she did a complete 180 switch.

She started laughing mid-sex (very odd), and when I questioned her it was “you’re making me cramp, let me get on top.” She then wrestled me off and got on top. Instantly I lost my erection. I got back on top, then resumed as normal. Then it was “my vagina’s getting sore, let me get on top”. I lost my erection again.

“Look, I can’t do this” I said.

“Wait what do you MEAN?!?”

“Dominant women are a turn off, it’s like having sex with a tranny – I can’t do it”

Side note: This is the exact same woman, and I was using the exact same sexual techniques. She had literally turned from a Submissive into a Dominant.

Despite several texts over the following 48 hours claiming she was willing to ditch her boyfriend, I didn’t see her again. It was nothing to do with her boyfriend (I wasn’t even aware of him at the time), it was her dominant behaviour that I couldn’t physically take. This behaviour is largely her boyfriend’s fault, and it’s reinforced by modern-day feminism. Beta males literally pave the way for Dominant’s.

Societal Conditioning

Societal Conditioning has created more Beta males and more Dominant’s. This makes people less happy. In fact, quite a few studies have been done on women’s happiness, which has been declining decade by decade (just Google it) and this is purely down to Societal Conditioning. Female supremacy does not increase female happiness. It does quite the opposite.

Biological attraction has always been the same, and always will be. Feminine women attract all men, Alpha’s and Beta’s. Masculine and therefore dominant men attract all women, Submissive’s and Dominant’s alike. Women can always sense a man’s power. You can’t undo millennia of biological wiring with Socialist, equality-based ideologies/fantasies. Attraction is attraction, end of story.

Where we run into a problem is with more emotional and usually longer-term relationships. Beta males now need a woman to take charge (!) and Dominant’s now need to have their men on a leash. Beta’s are literally like stray dogs walking around seeking an owner to put them on their leash. This may sound like a joke on the surface, and it did to me when I first realised this, but it’s the truth. It’s part Societal Conditioning, part laziness from the male.

I think we can all agree that the majority of women are now Dominant’s, which is unfortunate and a massive shame. They will always be attracted to Alpha’s and dominant men, but in terms of long-term relationships, they “must” be in charge, despite this making them feel unfulfilled and miserable – statistics prove this. In order to be in charge, they need super-compliant and submissive Beta’s, like the boyfriend in the above story. But they will cheat on him left, right and centre, thus always having some form of a relationship with Alpha’s, as biology dictates.

The Beta may satisfy her Societal Conditioning, look good to her friends, her family and her Instagram page on V-Day, but he will never experience the raw attraction an Alpha will. He will always wonder why his girlfriend treats him like a friend, and that the little sex he gets is completely lacklustre. Dominance is THE foundation of attraction.

A dominant man is capable of attracting and fucking any woman. As far as relationships are concerned, he can have relationships with Dominant’s, but they will only ever be casual and short-term. They won’t be successful in the long-term. He will however have unbelievably fun, fulfilling and rewarding relationships with Submissive’s. They tend to be happier for both people and last a lot longer too.


Now we’ve established that dominance is the foundation of attraction, there is something else that not many men have. It will make you truly stand out from the rest. It’s almost like the next level up from dominance.

Non-compliance is the ability to say no to a woman on a consistent basis, regardless of how hot, amazing or wonderful she is. A non-compliant man always does what he wants. His women follow. They follow with a playful, starry-eyed giggling all the way. They are always eager to please, and always highly sexual. They’re amazing. He loves them, looks after them and treats them well. Occasionally they will test him, but it just reinforces their attraction to him.

The non-compliant man is always dominant. Dominance and non-compliance are always linked. But I have witnessed too many otherwise dominant men lose their non-compliance over time. Non-compliance is almost like the long-term extension of dominance. A lot of guys are dominant for a while, but they lose their cool for their “special unicorn.” This is what I’ve witnessed happen with many men:

They start to develop an addiction to one woman, and they compromise all kinds of aspects of their lives in order to keep the woman from leaving. Social life, male friends, hobbies, travel, you name it. The guy is otherwise a dominant and kick-ass dude with everyone else in his life; be it friends, family, and in business, but he’s now compromising with this one snowflake. Not good.

A man who compromises (and turns into a yes man) in order to keep a woman with him is weak. Despite her external praise and shows of joy, she is internally losing attraction for him. On the surface, she appears to be very happy when he complies with her demands. However, she has lost at least some attraction him, possibly a shit-tonne depending on what he agreed to. This man should not be surprised when he goes to try and have sex with her but she’s “too tired”.

Maintaining high levels of non-compliance (and therefore dominance) over the long-term maintains high levels of attraction over the long-term.

Examples of non-compliance:

  • “You really need to start calling me every day because that’s what Joe always used to do”….I would love to, but my time and focus is limited.
  • “I know you’re working on that project but I really want you to come out tonight with me and my girlfriends”…Really sorry, but I’m busy like you said.
  • “You need to start liking my Instagram pictures – you’ve not liked a single one yet!” *Radio silence*
  • “You would quit training to be a pilot if you loved me. I think I should leave and find someone who appreciates (read: worships) me more” It’s unfortunate you feel that way. But the pilot thing isn’t going away, so…

It’s important to note that you can say no very nicely, being happy and polite the whole time. The Beta is also happy and polite, the key difference between the two of you is that he says yes to everything (and a lot of confident guys will reluctantly do so, eventually) whereas you don’t. Nicely say no.

If you say yes to the above examples, she will have a big smile on her face and give you a big kiss, sure. She will be less attracted to you though. Every. Single. Time. Don’t be surprised when she starts treating you like a friend. Compliance to a woman’s demands leads to less attraction.

You can have a more serious relationship (however you define this) and spend more time with a special woman. But this should be done on your terms, because it’s truly what you need. Instead of you submitting to her will because you’re scared shitless of losing her. Big difference.

Stay tuned for part 2 – how to become more dominant and non-compliant.

Charles Sledge