Culture, Demographics, Destiny, & Most Importantly Why This Matters To You

When republicans, democrats, libertarians, conservatives, Evangelicals, feminists, liberals (classical and not), and other modernists all agree on something you can pretty much be guaranteed that it’s 100% unadulterated uncut bullshit. For example each group above would say that the phrase “demographics is destiny” is wrong and a good number of other bad things. There are articles denouncing this from The American Conservative to the Southern Povery Law Center and more this is denied and said to be wrong.

Which means that there is more truth to the statement than either side would like to admit (given that either side was created to mask truth and real solutions). But there are some misconceptions when it comes to this. For example many think that this means race and race alone but that just isn’t the case. Yes, race is a factor and to say otherwise would be intellectually dishonest but it is not the only thing.

And more importantly what the hell does this matter to you? Why should you give a damn about this phrase or anything that I’m talking about in this article? What relevancy does it have for you? Well as we’ll see more than you probably ever thought possible. I’ll use some examples from my own life as well as the lives of other to illustrate why understanding this is critical and changes in your own life that may need to be made because of it to live your best life possible.

Demographics Is Destiny…Why Should I Care?

I’ve had the privilege/curse of living in very diverse places in my life. I don’t mean diverse just in people of different religions/races/cultures (though that too) but in culture as a whole as well. I’ve lived in rural small towns in the midwest, I’ve lived in some of the largest cities in the world, and I’ve lived in one of the fastest growing mid sized cities in a coastal area, and a whole lot more. Because of this I’ve been able to see a whole lot of differences and let me say this.

The differences in living are night and day. And that’s saying it lightly. In the U.S.A. for example different states might as well be different countries, no actually they have bigger differences than a lot of different countries I’ve seen. Even the same state. For example living on the East coast of Florida is world different than living in the middle than living on the West coast. Likewise North Florida is completely different than central which is completely different than South for the most part. You could have completely different standards and types of living depending.

Granted Florida’s a pretty divided/diverse state but it applies other places as well. In the same state (even neighborhood depending how big your city is) there may be places where you’ll fit like a glove and places where you would have the constant threat of violence over your head every time you opened your door (or even when you didn’t). That’s just how it works and it greatly affects your quality of life. For example I know plenty of suckers from the midwest who moved to either Florida or California for jobs and had no idea what they were getting into (seen this happen other way as well).

My point being places aren’t the same and they can make a drastic difference in your life and you don’t want to waste your life a place that you hate or a place that hates you (or vice versa). And believe it or not but

The grass can be way greener on the other side.

Fish Out Of Water

Most people like to be around people like themselves. Yes this applies to race but it’s much more than that. Christians like to be around other Christians. Dividing it even further Protestants like to be around other Protestants. Or even further Southern Baptists around Southern Baptists and so on and so forth generally. People like people like them plain and simple. People who look the same, have the same interests, but most important of all have the same culture and values.

And if you plan on sticking around somewhere for awhile you’re going to want to make sure that they have the same culture and values that you do. We are not all the same and to think so sets you up for failure and pain. People are different, some people and cultures you’ll love and thrive in others will you be hated and have stunted growth in and may even have violence do against you or yours in. Where you live and more importantly who you live around is a crucial decision to make in life.

You don’t want to be a fish out of water for very long (hint: they die). Travel is well and good (and something I’d recommend) but you need a home base of you and yours to come back to. Thinking otherwise is foolish. Moving to a place that antithetical to everything that you are just for a little bit of extra cash isn’t worth it. Never underestimate the power and importance of culture. Culture is created by the sum of all the other things people’s values, religious thoughts, heritage, history, and yes race, and a whole lot more. You want a culture that mirrors you and brings more to your life.

Not all cultures are the same.

Figuring Out The Hill You’ll Die On

Where do you want to be buried? I know that there are some states and countries that I wouldn’t want to live out the rest of my days in. The more I’ve moved around the more I’ve figured out what fits with me and what doesn’t and where I want to end up. Right now I’m not where I want to be permanently and might not be for a good time still. So I keep working, saving, and looking. Until I get an opportunity to go somewhere that is more suited to me.

The world around us is changing and depending on who you are that change might not be good for you (it might be downright dangerous). People are getting more and more divided, hatred is growing, as is violence. If people like you aren’t the majority where you’re at than down the road that could be a problem no matter how open-minded/tolerant/naive one is. These things matter and they’re starting to matter more and more. Especially with political, social, and cultural events. So it pays to think about it.

Another way of putting it is that you don’t want your ass out in the wind when the shit hits the fan. But even if it doesn’t (and I hope it doesn’t, thought it always does at some point) it’s still best to be in a place that is good for you and good for yours. Putting you and yours first isn’t selfish or ignorance or racist/cultural supremacy/insert other shame word here but rather honest, true, and intelligent. Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean hating others it means taking care of yourself. And is something you need to do. So think about these things because they’re only going to mean more and more as the year(s) go by.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge

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