Corporate America Is No Place For Men

Corporate America is no place for men. Despite a good portion of men looking for positions in corporate America it is one of the absolute worst places for a man to work. It was never designed for men and men will be punished or have their souls crushed when entering it. When I say corporate America I’m not talking about being a CEO or a higher up working at a corporation nor am I talking about working on the assembly line for a corporation. Rather I’m talking about the middle management type jobs. You know not too powerful but enough to make a “comfortable” living off of.

Those places are dangerous for men for a variety of reasons which I will expand on in this article. Middle manager corporate America was never meant for men. It punishes men and rewards traits that no man would exhibit. When you look at what it takes to succeed as a middle management you’ll understand why if you’re a man you need to desperately get out of the situation. You either need to rise to the top or you need to become independent and on your own. Middle management is no place for men.

The Hierarchy

Corporate America like life is a pyramid. And like most pyramids the top and the bottom are going to consist of men and the comfortable safe middle consist of women or back before women the most spineless and boring of males. The males most like women would find themselves in those positions. You had the hard working whiskey swilling men’s men on the bottom grinding it out in factories, coal mines, and other areas. You had the innovative risk taking entrepreneurs at the top like Carnegie and Ford. Then in the middle you had a large swath of undistinguished drone types.

Now with women in the workplace they make the perfect fit for the middle manager position. Obviously they’d make a wreck of anything at the top as well as couldn’t do the jobs at the bottom but with laws requiring to hire certain numbers of women they are stuffed in the middle pushing many of the males out. Not to mention they are better equipped to deal with what it takes to succeed in middle management. Not because they’re more skilled or smarted (cue laughter) but because of what modern corporate culture rewards in middle managers.

What The Middle Rewards

Here is what is rewarded in middle corporate America. Toeing the line, following orders without thinking, doing what you’re told even if it’s to your detriment, not thinking on your own, mindlessly following rules and policies, never innovating, never making a stand, adjusting to whatever those above you want, being a follower, having no agency, doing what you’re told instead of what works or what is logical, kissing ass, and much more. Being a mindless drone is what is required to “make it” in middle management.

And when it comes to being mindless drone women have men beat by a mile. A man can think and innovate unlike a woman ever could. He is going to look at things logically and if he has any balls isn’t going to allow himself to be stepped on or follow stupid rules because his boss has something he wants to try. A man wants to do what is best not what he is told. If a boss told a woman to hit her head against the wall for an hour she’d go and do it and be happy about it while a guy would say “What the hell for?” and then be fired. So you see middle management with it’s rewarding of mediocrity, following the orders, and not thinking is perfect for women. Men want to do what’s right women just want to feel like they’re useful.

Alternatives For Men

So then what is a man to do? There are many options to men. First off stay out of middle positions anywhere you go where female traits of mindlessly following orders, not innovating, and being stepped on are rewarded. You either want to go to the top or go independent. And there are a number of ways to do this. You could become a self-published author which provides independence and is part of the route I’m taking. You could learn a trade and start you own business joining the long proud tradition of men doing real work like plumbing or being an electrician.

Regardless of what you do you have the learn the money skills, never forget this. Or become an expert in your field, network (as in go the men at the top, not network with the mediocre in the middle), and make big claims then follow up on them leaping over everyone in the middle and getting a spot at the top. Those are the only two options for men independent or at the top. Have your own business or be a the very top of someone else’s. Middle management is for women and a man will go crazy in it, and a man doesn’t strive for mediocrity as his highest goal and then feel good about it.


Once you’ve seen this you can’t unsee it. Middle management with it’s rewarding of not thinking, not taking a stand, and repetitive nonsense among other things is perfect for women. Like I said a man wants to do what is right while a woman just wants to feel useful. A boss telling a guy to bang his head against the wall will know it’s stupid and will do nothing. A woman can convince herself she is being useful and go about it happily. Logic, strength, and innovation are the enemies of those in the middle. The middle is all about toeing the line and making sure nothing rocks the boat. A horrible place for a man.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge


      • The military has always been so bad…

        “Like all the members of the military profession, I never
        had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties
        remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.”

        Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler – who was the head of the Marine Corps

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