3 Ways To Raise Your Testosterone Naturally

Alright so if you’re a man then you know that testosterone in particular having high testosterone is one of the most important factors for determining the quality of your life as well as how good you feel as a man. With low testosterone levels you’re just not going to feel like yourself, although with younger generations they may very well go their entire lives without knowing what having proper testosterone levels feels like. Regardless the higher your testosterone the better that you will feel and the better quality of life that you will have. If you’re an average male living in Western society then chances are your testosterone levels are lacking.

Before looking at different measures to increase your testosterone the first thing that you are going to want to do is make sure that you have the basics covered. Meaning that before you look into what type of TRT you want to go on or other methods you want to make sure you are doing all that you can naturally for added effect in addition to overall good health. Not to mention that everything laid out here is going to be good for other health factors in your life as well. Testosterone is very much a sign of an overall healthy male body. Though there are certain things that can be done to specifically increase testosterone as well. Just like you can tailor an overall nutrition program and workout program for bigger arms or chisled abs you can do the same for high testosterone (which will do a hundred times more for you than anything else you can tailor it for).

Sleeping For Testosterone

Sleep is incredibly important for a number of factors. It is during sleep that your body rebuilds and recharges from the day. In particular what is important is deep sleep or REM sleep. Testosterone levels tend to rise the longer that one is asleep and REM sleep has a particularly strong effect on this. The longer you sleep the better off you’ll be. For both testosterone levels and muscle repair and growth. Sure it might be trendy and you’ll impress your hipster friends if you cut your sleep into short blocks to “get more done” or whatever but your testosterone levels are also going to take a dive.

My advice would be if you really need to get more done then just work harder during the day like a normal human being. Don’t mess with your sleep. You want to get at least eight hours a night. Sure there are some people who can do “okay” with a little less but two things. One you’re probably not one of them if you’re active and two who the hell wants to just be “okay”? You want to make sure your sleep is long and uninterrupted. Use the bathroom before bed, make sure there are no lights in the bedroom, make sure your shades are drawn, use a sleep mask and relaxing music if you have to, and make sure your bedroom is cool. Sleep is critical to healthy testosterone production. Again make sure it’s deep, long, and uninteruppted for maximum effect.

Eating For Testosterone

Not all diets are created equal neither are all calories despite the delusion of many a fitness trainer and scientist that they are. Alright first things first if you’re eating for testosterone you can throw out pretty much any form of mainstream diet. Two in particular that are guaranteed to destroy your testosterone levels are low fat diets and vegan diets. Two diets that also seem to be pushed a lot. Look if you want to be weak, pasty, doughy, and a pussy then vegan and low fat diets are perfect however if you want to be a strong man then you’re going to have to eat very differently. In particular you are going to want to eat plenty of good fats.

What are the good fats? Well essentially all fats that occur naturally, in particular saturated fat. The kind that is on red meats, eggs, and that our best buddies who have our best interest at heart at the government have told us to avoid for so long. If you want good levels of testosterone then you are going to have to eat good amounts of good fats, saturated fats in particular. So be sure to break out the bacon and whole eggs for breakfast and the steak for dinner. Fats are essential for hormone optimization and making sure that everything is running properly. Especially testosterone production. So make sure to get in a good amount of fats.

Lifting For Testosterone

Alright to optimize testosterone production in the gym you want to make sure to only do isolation exercises and run long distance. After all look at marathon runners they’re the peak of human development and what’s more manly than them? Alright I’m kidding but I think you see where I’m going with this. We all know the lifts that are going to increase our testosterone. Full body lifts that are tried and true. Things like squatting, pressing, and deadlifting. Also sprints work great as well. You want to make sure you’re getting adquete volume as well. You don’t have to go all German Volume Training but at least Reg Park’s 5×5.

You want to lift heavy weights for adequete volume, let’s put it like that. Full body training, barbell complexes, and sprints are all great ways to train for optimum testosterone production. Use big compound movements that require effort and really get you going. Ass to grass squats are going to do a lot more for your testosterone production then isolation curls (plus they probably going to do more for your bicep as well). Stick to squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, pullups, and olympic movements for your workout. Save the isolation work for the end if it’s even needed. You also might want to add in some barbell complexes or sprints at the end of your workout for extra testosterone production and fat loss.


There is nothing revolutionary here, it’s all pretty basic. But the basics are fundamental to success. Before you move on you have to master the basics. If you’re not doing the above things already then you shouldn’t be complaining about low testosterone levels. Get these things right and then worry about other stuff. If you’re not already doing these things then start. They’ll have a huge impact on how you feel and how masculine you are. I can thing of few better reasons to take one’s health matters into their own hands then a better quality of life and optimal testosterone production.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge


  1. The Vegetarians I hate the most are the ones that act morally
    because they love animals more than humans, these people are
    mentally ill, have bad relationships with the opposite sex, and are emotionally weak!

    In my experience especially the men that push vegetarian diet as a
    way to ultimate health, and most of these guys will tell you plants
    are a way to build high testosterone levels almost always have no

    • Vegens are some of the worst for sure. And haha it’s good to intimidate people like them. How strong would a wolf be if it couldn’t intimidate a house cat haha.

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