Charles Sledge


  1. You mentioned the echo chamber, do you think that there are almost too many red pilled self improvement sites floating about the internet? I think each one has a specialised topic they can cover, alongside the well covered topics.

    • I don’t think number is an issue as long as the quality and independent thought is there. If anything I’d like to see more as long as they were quality and self-improvement over whining focused.

      • Yeah, a site based around whining and complaining could never truly be a self improvement site. These sites are about accepting the natural order of things without judging whether it is good or bad.

  2. Great post, those problems really are troubling many groups of “redpilled” people.

  3. Famous echo chamber: “YOU NEED TO PRACISE GAME DUDE, GET LAID MAN” “EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW GAME” and all it does is making everyone miserable.

    But that’s not everything, good ambitioned men chasing women inflates female egos even more than beta males & dating apps already do.

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