The #1 Thing That Is Keeping You From Having The Sex Life Of Your Dreams

There are plenty of things that go into having the sex life of your dreams. Things like dressing nice, being in good shape, having good game, understanding female psychology, and above all else being a masculine man. However with all that being said you can have nearly all of that and still be greatly limiting yourself through this one thing. This one thing that has limited more males than perhaps anything else in our modern society. This one thing that can take a male with the greatest of potential and turn him into a lazy limp wristed herbivore when he was born to be a king of the carnivore.

What is this one thing that ruins the potential and therefore lives of so many males? I’ve talked about it before and I’ll talk about it again because of the importance of this topic. And the one thing is pornography. If you are looking at and masturbating too pornography you aren’t going to have the sex life that you could be having it’s as simple as that. You are using a cheap replacement that is never going to fulfill you and is going to prevent you from doing what needs to be done to get the sex life you want.

Saps Your Strength

First and foremost pornography and especially masturbating to pornography is going to sap your strength. It’s going to take away your drive for life and this applies to all things. It’s going to become harder to hit the gym, harder to go out and hustle to make money, harder to hit the books, and just harder to improve in general. It’s very similar to smoking weed. No matter what way you cut it, it’s not helping you improve and get the life that you want. It makes you weaker plain and simple.

You need to have your energy to put towards your improvement and development. And if you are going to use up sexual energy it should be with a beautiful woman not with your hand or pixels on a screen. You are wasting your potential every time you use porn. You are sapping your strength and preventing what you could become. All so you can get a quick fix from other guys screwing girls on a screen. Not to mention you’re training yourself to be a cuckold. You also training yourself to be passive and to sit on your ass instead of going out and achieving what you want. You’re trading freshly killed meat for pink slim from McDonalds.

Screw Up Your Brain

Perhaps the saddest part about porn is that a part your brain can’t even tell the difference. Your primal brain thinks that you are a boss with a harem of beautiful women when in reality let’s be honest the guy who whacks off to porn all of the time is always going to be a loser. So your primal brain won’t even help you with this. For example when a car comes screeching towards you your primal brain is going to leap into action saving your life. However with porn no such warning signs are ever going to come. It’s something you yourself are going to have to get rid of on your own.

Porn can also numb you to real women. To the point where a good looking woman you’d love to bang all night long could walk by and you won’t even attempt to approach her. Think about that. I see so many guys my age who don’t talk to women even though they obviously want them. It rewires your brain to seek sexual fulfillment from pixels on a screen instead of a flesh and blood woman. How pathetic is that? Even if you have none of the traits mentioned in the first paragraph and simply cut out porn you’d be ahead of a good eighty plus percent of males your age.

Drop It To Achieve Greatness

Drop porn to achieve greatness in all aspects of your life, including your sex life. Drop it so that instead of masturbating to halfway decent looking women you go out in the world and actually have sex with great looking women. Every man deep down knows that he wants this and if he doesn’t then he either has a mental problem (perhaps too much porn?) or needs to get his testosterone checked (also pulse). A sex life with beautiful women can be yours if you’re willing to put in the time and effort.

Not just the time and effort but cut out the weakening, soul draining effects of pornography. Porn makes you weak, that’s why it pushed so hard. Has the government/media/mainstream ever pushed anything that made a man stronger? Of course not they all want us to be weak fat sheep fit for slaughter. Fuck that. Be a man and drop that life weakening shit from your life. Cutting out porn is the number one step from having the sex life that everyone else only dreams about.


If you’re watching porn you’re not going to having the sex life of your dreams, it’s as simple as that. Porn cancels out so many good traits. It’d be like being able to run a 4.3 40 yard dash, squat 2x your body weight, and being able to run 10 mile straight yet have a broken knee. On paper all of those things would make you a great athlete but the broken knee cancels them all out. Porn is the broken knee.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge


  1. Good post Charles. Too much porn saps men’s drive and thirst for life. It can be a challenging habit to break, and probably all of us are guilty of relapsing at one point or another.

    When you go without porn/masturbation for a long time, your aura of horniness and desire for life makes you feel like “this is how life really should be like.” Your interactions with people change significantly, and women are much more magnetically drawn to you.

    • Absolutely it gives you that “zest for life”. Makes you feel more alive and more like a man. And yeah it’s a tough habit to break, the less of it in your life the better off you’ll be.

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